Summit of the Future will be held on
September 22–23, 2024 under the
auspices of the UN General Assembly.
It aims to forge an action-oriented Pact
for the Future through intergovernmental negotiations on key issues prioritized by Member States.
Summit of
the Future
The BRICS Civil Forum will present an Address titled "Right for Development: Equity, Equality and Justice" to the Summit of the Future held under the auspices of the UN General Assembly. An international drafting committee will be established to craft the Address. This committee will comprise representatives from all BRICS nations delegated by non-governmental organizations in their respective countries.

The Secretary-General has outlined potential

areas for inclusion in the Pact for the Future

in his Policy Briefs:

1. Account for the future: practical steps to take account of the long-term impact of our decisions, fulfilling a long-standing commitment Member States have made to future generations

2. Better respond to global shocks: put in place a stronger international response playbook for complex global shocks, maximizing the use of the Secretary-General’s convening power in the form of an Emergency Platform

3. Meaningfully include young people: systematically include young people in global decision-making

4. Measure human progress more effectively: agree on metrics beyond GDP so that decisions on debt relief, concessional funding, and international cooperation take account of vulnerability, well-being, sustainability, and other vital measures of progress

5. Agree on a vision of digital technology as a motor for human progress that can deliver full benefits while minimizing potential harm

6. Commit to integrity in public information: achieve an information ecosystem (notably, online) that is inclusive and safe for all, perhaps via a code of conduct

7. Reform the international financial architecture: to ensure it delivers more effective and fair results for everyone and particularly the Global South, including through objectives that are aligned with the SDGs, debt sustainability, a global financial safety net, and more

8. Advance the peaceful and sustainable use of outer space: update norms governing the use of and behaviour in space so that it is peaceful, secure, and sustainable for the benefit of all.

9. Agree a new agenda for peace: update our understanding of all forms and domains of threats and adapt our toolbox to prevent and manage hostilities on land, at sea, in space, and in cyberspace

10. Transform education: achieve a fundamental shift in how education is seen and treated including in relation to the purpose of education, the learning environment, the teaching profession, harnessing digital transformation, investing in education, and multilateral support for quality education for all

UN 2.0: adapt basic UN practices on data, communications, innovation, strategic foresight, performance and results, and more, so it is better positioned to support all the above and face the challenges of tomorrow