1. We, as representatives of civil society from the BRICS nations and other countries of the Global Majority, met in Moscow, Russia, on July 3–4, 2024 at the BRICS Civil Forum and approved this Address to the UN Summit of the Future. Our aim is to draw the attention of national leaders, government officials, and other dignitaries to the crucial need for ensuring the full realization of the right to development for all peoples. This is essential for creating a sustainable future that encompasses economic, social, and environmental well-being for our planet and for protecting both current and future generations.
2. We affirm our dedication to the principles outlined in Resolution 66/288, adopted by the UN General Assembly on July 27, 2012, titled "The Future We Want". Our vision is to establish a global society grounded in the principles of equity, equality, and justice. We stress the importance of placing people at the core of all sustainable development initiatives, which includes combating poverty and hunger, improving health and education, and overcoming inequality—that is, focusing on a set of social issues which are critical for the development of individuals and nations alike.
3. We firmly believe that the greatest threat to the future lies in the ongoing global hegemony of a single nation or group of nations. This dominant position has allowed these countries to halt, suspend, or hinder the development of other nations, all in an attempt to deny them a better future. We aim to bring an end to this domination by a group of countries over the world order.
Our Shared Vision
4. Building a new world order that offers fairness and justice for all is our responsibility to future generations.
5. International organizations must break free from Western global domination if they truly seek to represent the entire world.
6. So-called liberal values are not universal. Claims of their universality are based on a flawed philosophical concept that has failed.
7. The West has in fact weaponized liberal values, transforming them into a tool of oppression, coercion, and subjugation. We categorically reject the use of values as a weapon for undermining and eroding the sovereignty of nations and imposing hegemonic dominance.
8. There is no single development path that is suitable for all nations. The world is diverse, and each nation has the right to choose its own path of development.
9. What unites peoples around the world is the dream of a harmonious and just world order, in which each person enjoys the opportunity for well-rounded growth and comprehensive development.
10. Our values are life, human dignity, constructive work that offers opportunities for self-realization, family, and good neighbourliness.
11. We recognize the importance of political freedom for the comprehensive development of individuals and society as a whole. However, freedom is a condition for development, not an end in itself. One cannot sacrifice people's lives and destinies for the sake of gaining political freedom unless they have chosen this path for themselves. Human life is the highest priority of any policy.
12. Universalism is not a prerequisite for globalization. Human history shows that cultural and civilizational differences are not obstacles to mutually beneficial cooperation in all spheres of life.
13. We support the preservation and development of global connections based on multipolarity, with equally distributed responsibilities and benefits.
14. In a multipolar world, it is essential to preserve and support cultural, values-based, and religious diversity, including within the realm of economic relations.
15. The most egregious manifestation of universalism, and the moral absolutism that it imposes, is so-called "cancel culture," which effectively seeks to "cancel" some of the greatest achievements of humanity. Having come to this point, the West has demonstrated to the entire world the bankruptcy of its moral pretensions.
16. The world should not be held hostage to the obsessive desire by any one party to exercise its domination over all others. The era of the hegemon has come to an end. The new world order must be multipolar. We welcome the emergence of new global centres of power that we are witnessing today.
17. The new global system must be freed from the dictates of any single country or group of countries. Development should be free and sustainable.
July 4, 2024, Moscow