• All day

    Hall 2nd floor
  • 09:00 - 18:00
    Hall 2nd floor
  • 09:00 - 10:30
    Meeting of the Heads of Delegations and Co-Chairs of the BRICS Civil Forum Working Group (By Invite Only)
    Conference Hall "Library"
  • 11:00 - 11:45
    Inaugural Session
    Conference Hall №1
    Welcome Remarks: Victoria PANOVA (Russia), Сo-Сhair, Russian NGO group on BRICS and G20; Head, BRICS Expert Council - Russia; Vice Rector, HSE University; Russian W20 Sherpa

    Keynote: Sergey RYABKOV (Russia), Deputy Foreign Minister of the Russian Federation, Russia’s BRICS Sherpa

    Welcome Address:
    • Vyacheslav NIKONOV (Russia), First Deputy Chairman, Committee on International Affairs, State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation; Chairman of the Board, National Committee on BRICS Research
    • Galina KARELOVA (Russia), Chairman, Council of the Eurasian Women's Forum under the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation
    • Vyacheslav FETISOV (Russia), Co-Chair of the BRICS Civil Forum Working Group "Environment, Energy Transition, Social Fairness"; First Deputy Chairman, Committee on Ecology, Natural Resources and Environmental Protection, State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation
    • Elena TOPOLEVA-SOLDUNOVA (Russia), Co-Chair, Russian Group of NGOs on BRICS and G20; Director, Social Information Agency; Member, Council of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation
    • Alena PERYSHKINA (Russia), Co-Chair, Russian NGO group on BRICS and G20; Director, AIDS Infosvyaz Foundation
  • 11:45 - 12:00
    Press Point
  • 12:00 - 14:00
    Plenary Session "Right to Development: Equality, Equity, and Justice"
    Conference Hall №1
    The right to development is enshrined in the United Nations Declaration on the Right to Development (adopted by UN General Assembly Resolution 41/128 of December 4, 1986). This human right has made its contribution to the development of society, and its results are being utilized in the economic, social, political, and cultural realms. It is a necessary precondition for the exercise of all other rights. No one is entitled to restrict an individual, a people, or a country in their inherent right to development.
    The right to development is closely linked with such concepts as equality, equity, and justice. The need to ensure fair development for all requires a fuller understanding of the driving forces and the root causes and determinants of both vertical and horizontal inequality, which can hold back the development of individuals, peoples, and entire countries. Exercising the right to development hinges on the degree to which the world system is just and fair, and on what kind of social and international order will be instituted. Equity means that moral and political proselytizing and propagandizing as well as attempting to impose the values of one country on others are unacceptable in international relations.

    Questions for discussion:
    • Which fundamental principles should the BRICS countries support and promote for achieving a more just and equitable world order?
    • What precisely should BRICS do in order to support its fundamental principles and core values?
    • In what way can the BRICS countries promote cooperation that is grounded in the principles of multipolarity amid the current geopolitical turbulence?
    • What approaches are needed for improving institutions of global governance following the expansion of the BRICS group?

    Moderator: Victoria PANOVA (Russia), Сo-Сhair, Russian NGO group on BRICS and G20; Head, BRICS Expert Council - Russia; Vice Rector, HSE University; Russian W20 Sherpa

    • Valeriy FADEEV (Russia), Co-Chair of the BRICS Civil Forum Working Group "Vision 2050: Values and Rights of Nations"; Advisor to the President, Administration of the President of the Russian Federation; Chairman, Presidential Council for the Development of Civil Society and Human Rights; Academic Supervisor, Institute of Heritage and Modern Society of the Russian State University for the Humanities
    • Fabiano MIELNICZUK (Brazil), Co-Chair of the BRICS Civil Forum Working Group "Information and Cybersecurity, Digital Development"; Professor, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul; Research Member of NEBRICS
    • LI Jun (China), Vice President, China NGO Network for International Exchanges (CNIE)
    • Roman Tesfaye ABNEH (Ethiopia), Former First Lady Ethiopia, CEO Hailemariam and Roman Foundation
    • Govind KELKAR (India), Executive Director, GenDev Centre for Research and Innovation
    • Pir-Hossein KOLIVAND (Iran), President, Red Crescent Society of the Islamic Republic of Iran
    • Andrey KONDRASHOV (Russia), Co-Chair of the BRICS Civil Forum Working Group "Information and Cybersecurity, Digital Development"; Director General, Russian Information Agency TASS
  • 14:00 - 15:00
  • 15:00 - 16:30

    Session "The Needs, Priorities, and Development: BRICS Cities of the Future"
    Conference Hall №1
    It's difficult to overestimate the significance of the sustainable development of cities for implementing the strategic priorities of the BRICS partnership, in order to promote global prosperity that is grounded in social justice, ecological equilibrium, and resiliency in the face of climate change.
    The sustainable development of cities touches upon all of the economic, social, and environmental challenges that modern society faces. At the level of individual countries and within the framework of intergovernmental cooperation among the BRICS member states, tools are being developed and put to practical use in the areas of energy transition, climate change adaptation measures, socially acceptable mechanisms for transitioning to a closed-loop economy, finding a balance between the social good and freedom of choice in entrepreneurship and consumption, and ensuring the security of vulnerable groups of citizens and respecting their interests.
    Continuing the ongoing cooperation among municipalities in the BRICS countries will require further expansion of opportunities for sharing experience and building partnerships both at the level of municipal authorities, including mayoral offices, and people's diplomacy, as well as exchanges of experience within civil society, including on the basis of the existing institution of sister cities. As the first steps in this direction we can look to the international forums for exchanging experience in developing rooftop solar power, or photovoltaic, systems in China, biofuels in Brazil, and public transportation in Russia, among others.

    Questions for discussion:
    • What measures have been taken and what still needs to be done to improve the quality of life of citizens of the BRICS countries who live in major urban areas?
    • How can the BRICS countries stimulate the development and application of new approaches and solutions, and innovative technologies, for adapting cities to climate change, transitioning to a closed-loop economy, and ensuring the security and development of urban spaces and infrastructure?
    • What further steps are necessary for expanding international cooperation among BRICS cities, including their residents, civil society organizations, and municipal authorities?

    Moderator: Sergey RYBAKOV (Russia), Co-Сhair of the BRICS Civil Forum Working Group "Goals of Equitable Development"; Director General, Russian environmental foundation "Nature and People"; Founder and Program Director, Global Forum and Discussion Club ECUMENE

    • Vyacheslav MANUYLOV (Russia), Acting Head, Department of external economic and international relations of the city of Moscow
    • Ehab ZAKARIA ATALAH (Egypt), Senator of the Egyptian Senate; Vice CEO, Kasr El Salam Company for Investment and Real Estate Development
    • Ahmed Hussen MOHAMMED (Ethiopia), Executive Director, Pro Development
    • Govind KELKAR (India),Executive Director, GenDev Centre for Research and Innovation
    • Razieh ALISHAVANDI (Iran), Deputy Secretary general for International Affairs, Red Crescent Society of the Islamic Republic of Iran
    • Raymond MATLALA (South Africa), Founder and Executive, South African BRICS Youth Association
    • Vyacheslav MANUYLOV (Russia), Acting Head, Department of external economic and international relations of the city of Moscow
    • Ekaterina PRONICHEVA (Russia), Director General, State Vladimir-Suzdal Historical, Architectural and Art Museum-Reserve
    • Sergey ERMOLENKO (Russia), Chairman, ZATO Association
    • Evgeniy PANKEVICH (Russia), First Deputy Head of the St. Petersburg Tourism Development Committee

    • Elena DOLGIKH (Russia), General Director of the S.G.M. Agency LLC
    • Binod Singh AJATSHATRU (India), Director, BRICS Institute
  • 15:00 - 16:30

    Session "Vision 2050: Values and Rights of Peoples"
    Conference Hall №2
    Cooperation in studying global mechanisms for regulating social life will play a key role in shaping international non-governmental contacts among the BRICS countries at the civil society level. The convergence of BRICS countries should unfold on the basis of a deep understanding of the diverse cultures, mentalities and modes of thinking, traditions, and foundational values of the partner countries.
    There is a need to return to genuine, time-honoured values to achieve a better understanding of how human rights and freedoms should be exercised and realized.
    In building a world in which we base our actions on the principle of mutual respect among diverse cultures and the indisputable diversity and variety of civilizations, we should conduct a dialogue on values by using means of understanding and studying values that differ fundamentally from the entire system of rankings, indicators, indexes, and other essentially politicized tools masked under the guise of "objective and independent research studies" that the collective West has traditionally employed to exert systematic pressure on other countries.
    Under contemporary conditions, the human rights advocacy aspects of the overall humanitarian agenda for the BRICS countries are in need of an overhaul and upgrade. A unifying initiative in promoting and defending human rights could become the rights of diverse peoples or the right of solidarity.

    Questions for discussion:
    Which specific values do the member states of the BRICS group share in common that make them distinctive?
    • How can the promotion of collective rights, the rights of peoples, and the right of solidarity help facilitate greater convergence and integration among the BRICS countries?
    • What are the potential areas for cooperation in studying global mechanisms for regulating social life (values)?
    • What are the possibilities for creating within the BRICS framework an association or network of non-governmental organizations that could become an alternative to Western NGO networks?
    • On what basis would be it possible to converge general educational systems and cultural policy tracks within the BRICS framework?

    Moderator: Valeriy FADEEV (Russia), Co-Chair of the BRICS Civil Forum Working Group "Vision 2050: Values and Rights of Nations"; Advisor to the President, Administration of the President of the Russian Federation; Chairman, Presidential Council for the Development of Civil Society and Human Rights; Academic Supervisor, Institute of Heritage and Modern Society of the Russian State University for the Humanities

    • GUO Jieni (China), Co-Chair of the BRICS Civil Forum Working Group "Vision 2050: Values and Rights of Nations" - Secretary General, Beijing International Exchange Association
    • Mohamed SALAH (Egypt), Member of the Board of Trustee, Al-Hewar Foundation for Studies and Humanities Researchs; Chairman of the Eurasia and BRICS Forum
    • Zenebe KINFU (Ethiopia), Advisor and President, Ethiopian Society in Russia; President of the Union of African Disporas in Russia; Russian State Duma Expert on Cooperation with African Countries
    • Sonu SAINI (India), Associate Professor, Center of Russian Studies at Delhi University Jawaharlal Nehru
    • Mohammad Reza MAJIDI (Iran), Secretary General, Asian Parliamentary Assembly; Adjuct-Professor, Faculty of Law and Political Science, University of Tehran
    • Phumzile Nokuthula LANGA (South Africa), Director for Rural Education, National Department of Basic Education
    • Ofelia Beatríz AGOGLIA (Argentina), Assistant Professor, Faculty of Exact and Natural Sciences, Universidad Nacional De Cuyo

    • Taras VARKHOTOV (Russia), Acting Head of the Department of Philosophy and Methodology of Science of the Faculty of Philosophy of Lomonosov Moscow State University, Deputy Director of the Institute of Heritage and Modern Society of the Russian State University for the Humanities
    • ZHANG Jieruo (China), Assistant to the Secretary General, Beijing International Exchange Association
    • Aslan ABASHIDZE (Russia), Head of the Department of International Law, RUDN, Professor. Vice-Chairman of the UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
  • 15:00 - 16:30

    Session "New Technologies' Ethics"
    Conference Hall №3
    The rapid development of new technologies and the introduction of radical, far-reaching innovations – from artificial intelligence (AI), Big Data, robotics, drones, and the Internet of Things (IoT) to space and biotechnology – is changing the very essence of humanity. New technologies are opening up boundless opportunities and are bringing the world to an entirely new stage of development. However, together with its unquestionably positive effects, this process is also leading to the emergence of new challenges and risks. Global development should be fair for all countries, while not allowing progress to usher in barriers and marginalization for some as the technological giants continue their dramatic advance.
    The ethics of new technologies and their role in ensuring the sustainable development of the future are matters of deep concern for the civil societies of the BRICS countries. The position of our societies reflects the hopes and expectations of citizens of countries within the Global Majority.
    We firmly believe that a fundamental threat to the future of humanity lies not so much within new technologies by themselves but rather emanates from various perceptions of reality that serve to validate the use of new technologies as a means of concentrating political and economic power, exerting influence over the cultural arena, and manipulating public consciousness and opinion.

    Questions for discussion:
    • For which specific fields of technology can the BRICS Civil Forum propose its own vision and approach to developing ethical and regulatory standards?
    • How to best organize the exchange of experience and best practices for formulating technical standards pertaining to the ethics of technology and for harmonizing national standards across the BRICS space?
    • In which ways can the BRICS Civil Forum interact with international organizations and forums on issues pertaining to the ethics of technology?
    • What shape should the BRICS White Book take as a key document for defining and recording the potential ethical consequences of creating and applying new technologies?
    • How to best organize an archival repository of national positions on the ethics of new technologies in order to facilitate an academic and regulatory exchange of best practices in this area?

    Moderator: Sergey GARBUK (Russia), Co-Сhair of the BRICS Civil Forum Working Group "Technology Ethics"; Director for Research Projects, HSE University; Chairman, Russian Technical Committee for the Standardization "Artificial intelligence" (TC164)

    • Sergey VOLOBUEV (Russia), Creator and Coordinator, “Civil Exam” intellectual platform; Senior Researcher, Heritage Institute
    • Carolina SILVA DE SOUZA CRUZ (Brazil), Researcher, Tricontinental Institute of Social Research
    • МА Siyu (China), Director of International Department, Chongqing Renewable Energy Society
    • Amit KUMAR (India), Vice-Сhair of the BRICS Civil Forum Working Group "Technology Ethics", Associate Professor, Research and Information System (RIS)
    • Ahmed ALHAMMADI (UAE), Director Strategy Affairs Office, Mohamed Bin Zayed University for Humanities
    • Vadim GLUSCHENKO (Russia), Director General, ANO "Center for Global IT-Cooperation"

    • Konstantin UTOLIN (Russia), Project Manager, JSC “Central Research Institute for Machine Building”
    • Sofya FOKINA (Russia), Manager, Human-centered AI Center, Sber
  • 16:30 - 17:00

    Coffee break
  • 17:00 - 18:30

    Session "Information and Digital Security"
    Conference Hall №1
    The information space is envisioned as an effective tool to provide human beings and citizens with access to knowledge, meanings, and values of both national and global cultures, thereby facilitating the realization of everyone's right to the highest attainable level of cultural and educational development.
    National segments of the global information space are emerging as a sovereign part of the global information and communications web. Responsible regulation of such national segments represents the foundation for international interaction and cooperation. The BRICS countries have the opportunity to intensify and ramp up cooperation among states and civil societies alike aimed at ensuring international information security, preventing and settling conflicts in the information space, and blocking its further militarization and weaponization.
    The civil societies of the BRICS countries can formulate and vigorously promote and defend international legal norms governing the functioning of international information platforms and resources. In addition, they can work to expand cultural and intellectual exchanges, and acquaint the maximum number of inhabitants of planet Earth with the achievements of high culture of all peoples and countries.
    The information space today is a powerful tool for shaping public opinion and one of the primary dimensions for exercising state leadership and upholding state interests.
    The task is to use this tool for the good of diverse peoples, without subverting or undermining their traditional values and unique cultures. The BRICS countries can formulate a new, sovereign practice of interacting and cooperating across the global information space while taking into account and respecting the individual interests of each country.

    Questions for discussion:
    • How to best ensure the information and digital sovereignty of countries with the help of responsible regulation of the national segments within the global information space?
    • How to preserve traditional values and cultures in the face of the threat posed by new information technologies?
    • How to achieve the prevention of conflicts in the information space?
    • How to make the internet safe for children?

    Moderator: Fabiano MIELNICZUK (Brazil), Co-Chair of the BRICS Civil Forum Working Group "Information and Cybersecurity, Digital Development"; Professor, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Research Member of NEBRICS

    • Sergey VOLOBUEV (Russia), Creator and Coordinator, “Civil Exam” intellectual platform; Senior Researcher, Heritage Institute
    • HAN Bing (China), Partner, Beijing International Exchange Association
    • Ahmed TAHER (Egypt), Director, Al-Hewar Center for Political and Media Studies
    • Samson Biratu MENDELI (Ethiopia), Director General, Authority for Civil Society Organization (ACSO)
    • Hoda AL KHZAIMI (UAE), Founder and Director, EMARATSEC center for emerging tech and advanced research acceleration; Associate Vice Provost of research translation and innovation, New York University Abu Dhabi
    • Nedal AL TENAIJI (UAE), Member, Federal National Council
    • Alan SALBIEV (Russia), Vice President, BRICS Strategic Projects Alliance for International Technological Cooperation
    • Amor MACLANG (Philippines), Founder and Chair, Digital Pilipinas
    • Aslan TOLEGENOV (Kazakhstan), Expert

    • Amit KUMAR (India), Vice-Сhair of the BRICS Civil Forum Working Group "Technology Ethics", Associate Professor, Research and Information System (RIS)
  • 17:00 - 18:30

    Session "Ecology, Energy Transition, and Social Justice"
    Conference Hall №2
    The climate agenda should not be onе-sided and serve only the economic interests of the developed countries. The transition to an economy with low greenhouse gas emissions should be a fair, equitable, and sustainable process, which is grounded in national development priorities. The developed countries should fulfil the obligations they have taken upon themselves and fully support the developing countries in making this transition. Responsibility for the climate should be shared, but differentiated, and it should not serve to reinforce and entrench inequality among countries.
    The climate agenda is currently under the leadership and control of institutions that were established without the proper representation of scientists and experts from the BRICS countries, which has consequently created the conditions for formulating policies that exclusively serve the economic and political interests of the West. It is necessary to establish well-functioning social and expert venues within the BRICS framework that would be dedicated to the task of reformulating the climate agenda by taking into account the vital development needs and interests of the countries of the Global Majority.
    The consolidation of efforts by the BRICS countries toward promoting sustainable development that is in harmony with nature, expanding and deepening cooperation in the area of environmental protection, promoting ecological education and awareness, and fostering an ecology-minded culture and concern for the environment within society will be highly socially significant for the partner states.
    An intergovernmental approach is needed in the area of promoting biotechnologies and bioproduction for devising innovative solutions in diverse fields, including healthcare, climate change, energy, food security, agriculture, and ensuring national and economic security.

    Questions for discussion:
    • How best to go about reformulating the climate agenda to take into account the vital development needs and interests of the countries of the Global Majority?
    • What is the best means of protecting the natural heritage of the BRICS countries?
    • How to facilitate the consolidation and coordination of efforts by environmental activists across the BRICS countries toward preserving ecosystems and natural habitats, and promoting awareness of ecological values and sustainable development that is in harmony with nature with the aim of fostering an ecology-minded culture and concern for the environment within society?
    • How to best stimulate and incentivize the development and application of biotechnologies and bioproduction for achieving the technological sovereignty of the BRICS countries?
    • How to prevent soil erosion and degradation with the help of soil-protective and resource-saving agricultural and farming methods?

    Moderator: Vyacheslav FETISOV (Russia), Co-Chair of the BRICS Civil Forum Working Group "Environment, Energy Transition, Social Fairness"; First Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Ecology, Natural Resources and Environmental Protection, State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation

    • Tatyana GUSEVA (Russia), Deputy Director, Research Institute "Center for Environmental Industrial Policy"
    • Fassikaw Molla AMERA (Ethiopia), Co-Chair of the BRICS Civil Forum Working Group "Environment, Energy Transition, Social Fairness"; Deputy Director General, Civil Society Organizations Office
    • Yihew BIRU (Ethiopia), Researcher, Plant Research Directorate, Gullele Botanic Garden (GBG)
    • Siavash MIRZAEE (Iran), University lecturer, Azad University of Kurdistan, Azad University of Tehran
    • Viktor DANILOV-DANILIAN (Russia), Scientific Director, Institute of Water Problems, Russian Academy of Sciences; Corresponding Member, Russian Academy of Sciences
    • Raif VASILOV (Russia), President, All-Russian Public Organization "Yu.A. Ovchinnikov Society of Biotechnologists of Russia"; Deputy Head, Kurchatov Complex of NBICS-Nature- Technologies of the Kurchatov Institute Research Centre

    • Vladimir ZAKHAROV (Russia), Head, Centre for Sustainable Development and Environmental Health, N.K. Koltsov Institute of Developmental Biology, Russian Academy of Sciences: Member, Scientific Expert Council, VOOP: Corresponding Member, Russian Academy of Sciences
    • Reon VAN DER MERWE (South Africa), Founder Impacting Youth Founder, Impacting Youth
  • 17:00 - 18:30

    Session "Sovereign Economic and Financial Policy"
    Conference Hall №3
    The current world economic and political situation is creating serious obstacles for the successful implementation of sustainable development goals. Given trade and technological protectionism, sanctions wars, and the fragmentation of global logistics and supply chains, the world has entered an era of widespread turbulence. The old paradigm of globalization and the closely linked concepts of economic growth and sustainable development have become compromised and discredited by the egotistical policies pursued by the countries of the West.
    The main contradiction inherent in the current economic situation lies in the fact that the de facto global currency – the United States dollar – is issued, regulated, and controlled by just one country out of the many nations in the world in service to its own selfish interests, from which it in turn accrues unjustifiably enormous dividends, thus distorting the entire global structure for forming value-added chains and investment processes.
    Moreover, trade relations have been effectively weaponized by the West, while it is exploiting the climate agenda as a tool for engaging in unfair competition. Western nations continue to strive to maintain a monopoly on key technologies and economic development, despite the expanding development opportunities for and growing influence of non-Western countries.
    The new global system must be freed from the unilateral diktat of any single country or group of countries. Development should be free and sustainable.
    The BRICS countries can make an enormous contribution to the formation of a new world economic order, one that is based not on the unilateral diktat of the issuer of the dollar, but rather on the free access of countries to financial technologies, sources of financing, and markets.
    It is necessary to get down to the work of establishing a network-centric financial and currency system grounded in new formats for executing transactions, which is designed and destined to take the place of the current system of financial domination by the countries of the West.

    Questions for discussion:
    • What are the lost economic opportunities and key risks stemming from the US dollar's monopoly status in the global financial system?
    • What impact does the fragmentation of global logistics chains have on sustainable economic development?
    • What are main tools employed in the weaponization of economic competition and the transformation of the economy into a hybrid weapon of economic warfare, and what are the ultimate consequences of these phenomena?
    • How have illegal, unilateral sanctions helped to undermine and delegitimize the institution of ownership and property rights?
    • What are the prospects for setting up a distributed system to issue currency for the BRICS countries?

    Moderator: Nikolay OSTARKOV (Russia), Co-Сhair of the BRICS Civil Forum Working Group "Sovereign Economic and Financial Development"; Member of the General Council, All-Russian Public Organization "Business Russia"

    • Igor LAVROVSKIY (Russia), Director of the ANO "Institute of Futurology"
    • Paulo FERRACIOLI (Brazil), Professor, Fundação Getúlio Vargas and Pontifical Catholic, University of Rio de Janeiro
    • Binod Singh AJATSHATRU (India), Director, BRICS Institute
    • Ahmad ALMOHAYANI (Saudi Arabia), Economist and strategic foresight advisor, Grogain Conculting
    • Iryna RUSAK (Belarus), Chief Advisor to the Department of Economic Analysis of the Department of Domestic Policy, Belarusian Institute of Strategic Studies
    • Mikhail ERSHOV (Russia), Chief Director for Financial and Market Research, Institute of Energy and Finance
    • Georgy TOLORAYA (Russia), Executive Director, Russian National Committee on BRICS Research

    • Aleksandr GURDUS (Russia), Chief specialist, Computer Science and Management of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Advisor to Director, Institute of Artificial Intelligence Problems
    • Nangamso KWINANA (South Africa), Program Manager, African Monitor
    • Hugo ERIKSSEN (Russia), Member, Stolypinsky Club, Сonsultant, Navona Consulting
  • 17:00 - 18:30

    Special session "Transformation of General Education Systems in BRICS Countries: Contextualizing Challenges and Solutions"
    Conference Hall "Library"
    The agenda for shaping education to meet the needs of sustainable development has been formed in recent decades primarily by global organizations, which have defined the concept of the "quality of education," as well as the criteria and tools for assessing it, and universal measures for transforming education to meet the challenges of the future. But, in the process, they have often lost sight of, or inappropriately or inadequately accounted for, the specific social, demographic, economic, and cultural characteristics of the many countries that, by virtue of their divergent societal values and traditions, do not belong to the Global West.
    In the meantime, however, recognizing the value of cultural authenticity in educational policy not only allows for contextualizing promising global solutions, but also for using existing socio-cultural resources as components in generating high-quality, equitable educational opportunities. Such resources may pertain to linguistic diversity, national pedagogical traditions, and geographical and cultural opportunities for open education, as well as initiatives by various socially active groups, and the social and cultural capital of school communities. The BRICS countries provide not only a vivid example of the concentration of these types of resources, but also of an emerging sense of agency in the identification and use of such resources.

    Questions for discussion:
    • What are the specific features of the national educational systems of the BRICS countries that make it possible to create high-quality, accessible education?
    • What are the trends and prospects for transforming the general educational systems of the BRICS countries?

    Moderator: Sergey KOSARETSKY (Russia), Director, A.A. Pinsky Center for General and Supplementary Education, Institute of Education, HSE University

    • Andréa GOUVEIA (Brazil), Professor, Federal University of Paraná; Member, National Association for Research and Postgraduate Studies in Education (ANPEd)
    • FENG Zhuolin (China), Professor and Assistant Dean, School of Education, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
    • Saxena VANDANA (India), Professor, University of Delhi
    • Phumzile Nokuthula LANGA (South Africa), Director for Rural Education, National Department of Basic Education
  • 18:30 - 19:30

  • All day

    Hall 2nd floor
  • 09:00 - 10:30
    Meeting of the International Editorial Committee (By Invite Only)
  • 11:00 - 12:00
    Press-conference following the BRICS Civil Forum (By Invite Only)
    Rossiya Segodnya International Media Group
  • 11:00 - 13:00

    Session "Cultural Bridges of BRICS Countries"
    Conference Hall №1
    The BRICS countries possess distinctive cultural codes, traditions, and civilizational characteristics. Despite their differences, they share deep historical connections, and have been engaging in a cultural dialogue for centuries.
    Traditional spiritual and moral values lie at the heart of the BRICS nations' distinctive identities. Diversity that is grounded in national and cultural distinctiveness opens up opportunities to identify a greater range of potential solutions to the highly complex challenges of the modern age. Achieving a global consensus on the need to safeguard a multicultural world that upholds local identities, while resisting forced standardization and cultural homogenization, could become one of the pillars of the BRICS agenda. However, expanding cultural exchange formats across the BRICS group, including in sports and tourism, necessitates building new bridges between nations.
    The distinctive BRICS civilizations must collectively carry their cultural legacies from the past into the future, working together to preserve their values while innovating to introduce new creative products based on those values. By building new cultural bridges, the BRICS nations can maintain their identities in today's rapidly evolving world and discover new horizons for the advancement of our common world civilization.

    Questions for discussion:
    • What measures can countries and societies take to preserve the traditional values of the BRICS peoples and their tangible and intangible heritages?
    • What can be done to create standardized mechanisms for protecting cultural heritage sites and supporting socio-cultural projects at the BRICS level?
    • What can be done to ensure that athletes representing the BRICS countries can fully participate in international sports competitions and enhance their individual mastery of their chosen sport?
    • What measures should be taken to facilitate tourist flows across the BRICS countries and promote cultural exchange through tourism?
    • What can be done to promote further development of creative industries and economies through cultural cooperation among the BRICS nations?

    Moderator: Andrey MAXIMOV (Russia), Co-Chair of the BRICS Civil Forum Working Group "Culture, Sports and Tourism"; Chairman of the Coordination Council, Public Chamber of Russia for the development of tourism, hospitality and recreation; General Director, Union of Russian Cities; Founder, National platform Zhivoennasledie.rf

    • Elena TOPOLEVA-SOLDUNOVA (Russia), Co-Chair, Russian Group of NGOs on BRICS and G20; Director, Social Information Agency; Member, Council of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation
    • Ritа MATOS COITINHO (Brazil), Secretary General, Brazilian Center for Solidarity with the Peoples and Struggle for Peace (CEBRAPAZ)
    • Mayada BELAL (Еgypt), Co-Chair of the BRICS Civil Forum Working Group "Culture, Sports and Tourism"; Professor of Tourism & Heritage, Helwan University
    • Atul JAIN (India), General Secretary, Deendayal Research Institute – DRI
    • Natalia BELYAKOVA (Russia), Head of Expedition and Tourism department, Russian Geographical Society; Head, Laboratory for Communications in Creative Industries, Faculty of Creative Industries, HSE University
    • Christophor KOSTANTINIDI (Russia), Head, Center for Sustainable Development, Moscow State University; Scientific Director, National Union of the Hospitality Industry
    • Marianna ALBOROVA (Russia), Associate Professor, Law Department, Moscow City Government University

    • Alexandr ASAFOV (Russia), First Deputy Chairman of the Russian Civic Chamber's Commission on Public Expertise of Draft Laws
    • Keshav PARANDE (India), Secretary General, Self-Employed Women's Association of India - SEWA International
    • Raymond MATLALA (South Africa), Founder and Executive, South African BRICS Youth Association
    • Nina RUCHKINA (Russia), Designer and Couturier, Founder, “Russkie v mode”
  • 11:00 - 13:00

    Session "Open Education – The Model of Future Education in BRICS Countries"
    Conference Hall №2
    Creating mechanisms for promoting openness in education within and between countries is a strategic priority for the BRICS group.
    Open informal learning formats, known for their flexibility and lack of artificial rules, offer unique opportunities for developing skills among workers of all ages and educational backgrounds. They can pave the way for individuals to realize their unique potential and for fostering inclusive sustainable development within communities. Massive open online courses (MOOC) and related educational platforms represent one effective approach to enhancing access to quality lifelong adaptive learning across the BRICS countries.
    Collaboration among the BRICS countries involves developing various tools to support educational and academic mobility.
    Joint educational programmes that engage schoolchildren and students in "citizen science projects" hold unique potential, allowing young people to contribute to research on relevant scientific, societal, and cultural issues within the BRICS agenda.
    In addition to programmes and projects, it is crucial to make further efforts toward harmonizing national legislative norms to eliminate barriers, especially concerning network-based educational programmes and mutual recognition of diplomas.
    To facilitate the exchange of information on national education systems, innovations, research findings, educational programmes, events, and publications, the group needs to create a unified communication platform based on a new form of multilingualism (polylingualism) that harnesses the power of artificial intelligence. In the BRICS countries, with their strong community spirit, establishing partnerships among schools, families, and communities is essential for ensuring high-quality learning outcomes and promoting the well-being of children.

    Questions for discussion:
    • How can the unique socio-cultural resources and traditions of the BRICS countries lay the foundation for potential models of open education?
    • What types of open education models can be effectively developed within the BRICS framework to lead the way for other countries?

    Moderator: Evgeniy TERENTEV (Russia), Co-Chair of the BRICS Civil Forum Working Group "Education and Human Development"; Director of the Institute of Education, HSE University

    • Alexandr RUSAKOV (Russia), Senator of the Russian Federation; Member, Federation Council Committee on Science, Education and Culture
    • Geovana MENDONÇA LUNARDI MENDES (Brazil), Professor, State University of Santa Catarina; Vice-President, World Education Research Association; Consultant, Brazilian Society for the Advancement of Science
    • PAN Dengyu (China), Commissioner, Beijing International Exchange Association
    • Virjesh UPADHYAY (India), Head, National Education and Development Council, Ministry of Labor and Employment, Government of India
    • Saad Ibrahim M. ALKHALAF (Saudi Arabia), Co-Chair of the BRICS Civil Forum Working Group "Education and Human Development"; Head of the Board, Arrowad International Group
    • Karima ALMAZROUI (UAE), Advisor to Chancellor, Mohamed Bin Zayed University for Humanities
    • Natalya KRAVCHENKO (Russia), Director for Strategic Development, Circle Movement of the National Technological Initiative; Chairman of the Commission of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation on Education and Upbringing
    • Maria AFONINA (Russia), Vice-Rector, Management Workshop "Senezh" of the presidential platform "Russia - the Land of Opportunities", coordinator of the educational program "Woman Leader"
  • 11:00 - 13:00

    Session "Healthy Population as a Fundamental Condition for the Development of BRICS and BRICS Partner Countries"
    Conference Hall №3
    The state of public health in every country is influenced by a range of factors, including social and economic development; environmental conditions; access to clean water and food, and adequate health care; demographics; morbidity rates; and the efficiency of public health management systems. Variations in social, economic, and environmental factors among nations influence the health status of their populations, their levels of human capital development, and their economies. These factors, in turn, impact the effectiveness of public health policies. Public health systems must be designed to overcome existing inequalities, thus ensuring universal access to health services.
    To achieve this, the BRICS member states and their partners must exchange experience in public health management, while fostering mutual understanding and a productive development path, and consolidating the efforts of all BRICS nations to uphold the rights of humans to development and well-being.
    The session will focus on practices and technologies that ensure accessibility to quality medical care for all, increase medical literacy, and popularize innovations in pharmacology and biotechnology with the ultimate goal of increasing healthy life expectancy, ensuring maternal well-being, preventing premature ageing, and protecting present and future generations from the harmful effects of the non-medical use of drugs and psychotropic substances. The session will also address practical issues in health care management based on the current international and national standards adopted by the BRICS member states and partner countries.

    Questions for discussion:
    • Is it possible to transfer technology to improve health indicators, life expectancy, and access to quality health care and social protection for vulnerable groups, even in hard-to-reach areas? What are the best practices for achieving this?
    • What can be done to promote effective cooperation to improve medical literacy among the population through the expansion and replication of national programmes in preventive measures, disease screening, medical check-ups, follow-up care, etc.?
    • What are the prospects for international cooperation in implementing national, intergovernmental, and international standards across the BRICS countries?
    • What needs to be done to enhance the social role of health care workers and ensure fair and comfortable working conditions in order to increase and maintain the potential of the health care workforce across the BRICS countries?

    Moderator: Natalia BONDARENKO (Russia), Co-Chair of the BRICS Civil Forum Working Group "Social Healthcare and Well-Being"; Deputy Chairman, All-Russian Public State Organization "Union of Women of Russia" in medical and social areas; Chief Freelance specialist in therapy and general medical practice, FMBA of Russia

    • Maria KLOCHKO (Russia), Ambassador, Сharity foundation «Constellation of Good»; Head of the consulting group “Technologies of Influence”
    • YAO Ying (China), Executive Vice President, China Family Planning Association
    • Alemayehu Mekonnen LEMMA (Ethiopia), Executive Director, Ethiopian Public Health Professional Association
    • Peyman NAMDAR (Iran), Deputy for Health, Treatment and Rehabilitation, Red Crescent Society of the Islamic Republic of Iran
    • Margret MOLEFE (South Africa), Executive Deputy Chairperson, South African BRICS Youth Association
    • Maxim EKATERININ (Russia), Chairman of the Coordination Council, All-Russian Quality Organization; General Director, Institute for Technical Regulation, Standardization and Certification
    • Raul RAKHMATULLIN (Russia), CEO Adviser, International Medical Cluster Foundation
    • Konstantin KUNTS (Russia), Director, Center for Information, Legal and Social Support for Small and Medium-sized Businesses, Agency for Intelligent Solutions “Integration”
  • 13:00 - 14:00

  • 14:00 - 16:00

    Plenary session "Vision 2050: The Future of the World Through the Eyes of BRICS Countries"
    Conference Hall №1
    What will the world look like in 2050? Most predictions tie our future to advancements anticipated during the technological development stage known as Industry 6.0, or the Sixth Industrial Revolution. The changes that started a decade ago will bring about significant transformations in industries, economies, medicine, education, and space exploration. Technological progress may appear gradual to most people, but it will greatly impact their lives. What will the social structure of society be like? Will inequality within and between countries increase? How will the world financial system evolve? Will the concept of property remain unchanged? What will the cities of the future be like? Will they be truly sustainable? Will green technologies be adopted worldwide? What average life expectancy will people have? Can we expect to find cures for many modern diseases and age-related ailments? Will the world remain global or will it fragment into separate regions? Will a fair global order be established or will stratification intensify? The BRICS countries stand ready to address all of these critical questions. During this session, we will explore how the BRICS will shape the world by 2050.

    Moderator: Felix AZHIMOV (Russia), Dean of the Faculty of Humanities, HSE University; Jury Chairman, Philosophical Essay Contest «Vision 2050 – BRICS People 2050 – How BRICS Would Change the World by 2050»

    • Sergey KRIKALEV (Russia), Special Representative of the President of the Russian Federation on international cooperation in the field of space; Executive Director for manned space programs, Roscosmos State Corporation; Hero of the Russian Federation
    • Ayman MOUSHARAFA (Egypt), Ambassador of Egypt in Algeria, Advisor and Consultant, AFREXIMBANK
    • Keshav PARANDE (India), Secretary General, SEWA International
    • Pamla GOPAUL (South Africa), Senior Programme Officer- Data Analyst, African Union Development Agency
    • Hoda AL KHZAIMI (UAE), Founder and Director, EMARATSEC center for emerging tech and advanced research acceleration; Associate Vice Provost of research translation and innovation, New York University Abu Dhabi
    • Raif VASILOV (Russia), President, All-Russian Public Organization "Yu.A. Ovchinnikov Society of Biotechnologists of Russia"; Deputy Head, Kurchatov Complex of NBICS-Nature- Technologies of the Kurchatov Institute Research Centre
    • Sergey GARBUK (Russia), Co-Сhair of the BRICS Civil Forum Working Group "Technology Ethics"; Director for Research Projects, HSE University; Chairman, Russian Technical Committee for the Standardization "Artificial intelligence" (TC164)

    • Anna TISHKINA (Russia), Student, Belgorod National Research University; Winner of the Philosophical Essay Contest «Vision 2050 – BRICS People 2050 – How BRICS Would Change the World by 2050» (1st place)
    • Zhanna OGLOBLINA (Russia), Student, Moscow State University; Winner of the Philosophical Essay Contest «Vision 2050 – BRICS People 2050 – How BRICS Would Change the World by 2050» (2nd place)
  • 16:00 - 16:30

    Coffee break
  • 16:30 - 17:30

    Plenary session "The Role of BRICS in Building a More Just World Order"
    Conference Hall №1
    In the run-up to the BRICS Civil Forum, nine working groups focusing on relevant agenda items have been established. Over the course of six months, they have worked on drafting their respective position papers, which aim to showcase the collective vision of the BRICS nations regarding their role in enhancing the global order, with a focus in particular on the right of peoples to development based on the core principles of equality, equity, and justice. At this session, the co-chair of each working group will present their respective position papers.

    Moderator: Alena PERYSHKINA (Russia), Co-Chair, Russian NGO group on BRICS and G20; Director, AIDS Infosvyaz Foundation

    • Natalia BONDARENKO (Russia), Co-Chair of the BRICS Civil Forum Working Group "Social Healthcare and Well-Being"; Deputy Chairman, All-Russian Public State Organization "Union of Women of Russia" in medical and social areas; Chief Freelance Specialist in therapy and general medical practice, FMBA of Russia
    • Fabiano MIELNICZUK (Brazil), Co-Chair of the BRICS Civil Forum Working Group "Information and Cybersecurity, Digital Development"; Professor, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul; Research Member, NEBRICS
    • GUO Jieni (China), Co-Chair of the BRICS Civil Forum Working Group "Vision 2050: Values and Rights of Nations". Secretary General, Beijing International Exchange Association
    • Fassikaw Molla AMERA (Ethiopia), Co-Chair of the BRICS Civil Forum Working Group "Environment, Energy Transition, Social Fairness"; Deputy Director General, Civil Society Organizations Office
    • Sabyasachi SAHA (India), Associate Professor, Research and Information System (RIS)
    • Evgeniy TERENTEV (Russia), Co-Chair of the BRICS Civil Forum Working Group "Education and Human Development"; Director of the Institute of Education, HSE University
    • Andrey MAXIMOV (Russia), Co-Chair of the BRICS Civil Forum Working Group "Culture, Sports and Tourism"; Chairman of the Coordination Council, Public Chamber of Russia for the development of tourism, hospitality and recreation; General Director, Union of Russian Cities; Founder, National platform Zhivoennasledie.rf
    • Sergey RYBAKOV (Russia), Co-Сhair of the BRICS Civil Forum Working Group "Goals of Equitable Development"; Director General, Russian environmental foundation "Nature and People"; Founder and Program Director, Global Forum and Discussion Club ECUMENE
    • Nikolay OSTARKOV (Russia), Co-Сhair of the BRICS Civil Forum Working Group "Sovereign Economic and Financial Development", Member, General Council of the All-Russian Public Organization "Business Russia"
  • 17:30 - 18:00

    Closing Session
    Conference Hall №1
    Award ceremony for the winners of the Philosophical Essay Contest «Vision 2050 – BRICS People 2050 – How BRICS Would Change the World by 2050»

    Special Guest: Pavel KNYAZEV (Russia), Ambassador-at-Large of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Russia's Sous-Sherpa to BRICS