Well-known designer from Ural was inspired to create a conceptual scarf by the stunning BRICS women

The ‘BRICS 2024’ scarf, designed by a renowned Ural designer Nina Ruchkina, honours the beauty of women from the BRICS member nations and Russian culture. The new scarf, along with other pieces from the ‘Russkiye v Mode’ collection, was unveiled at the ‘Nina Ruchkina. Beauty Brings the World Together’ art exhibition during the BRICS Civil Forum held on July 3–4 in Moscow.

The concept of the scarf is ‘based on the idea of equality and equity of all countries, and the notion that beauty unites the world’, according to Nina Ruchkina. The design house's exhibit booth piqued the curiosity of delegates from all ten BRICS member countries, who were at the BRICS Civil Forum in Moscow. Anyone could try on any of the scarfs they liked, but the ‘BRICS 2024’ scarf was the most well-loved.

“Our aspiration is that the BRICS scarf, inspired by love for all women in the world, will become a precious accessory for wardrobes and an exceptional present,” states the brief dedication of the scarf, which was designed in partnership with Mila Losenko and celebrates Russia's 2024 BRICS Chairship.

Watch the entire interview with Nina Ruchkina on the BRICS Expert Council’s YouTube channel.