We, the representatives of civil society of the countries of the Global Majority,
RECOGNIZING that humankind, having achieved a high level of social, economic, and technological development, is now confronted with the threat of losing its traditional spiritual and moral guideposts and long-standing, immutable moral principles;
TAKING INTO CONSIDERATION that fundamental moral and cultural norms, including basic religious principles, the institution of marriage, and family values, are exposed to destructive influences within the information space; the so-called liberty of the person has been exalted and absolutized to an extreme extent; total licentiousness, immorality, depravity, and egoism are being actively propagandized; the deification of violence, consumption, and instant gratification is being promoted; narcotics usage is being legalized; and a society that rejects the natural continuation of life is taking shape;
NOTING that interethnic and interconfessional tensions are being used as pawns for geopolitical gambits and adventurism, thus provoking rancour and hatred, and encroaching upon the right of individual states to self-determination;
BEING CONVINCED of the necessity of pursuing as a priority matter a common policy aimed at safeguarding universal civilizational values and protecting the right to a healthy information space, including through the enactment of relevant international and national legislation, and carrying out effective international cooperative measures toward that end;
DEFENDING the secure foundations for the unity of the individual, the family, society, and the state; and
AFFIRMING our deeply held devotion to the ideals of justice and peace on Earth,
hereby appeal to the peoples and governments of planet Earth with a call to action to ensure the collective defence of the right to a healthy information space and the further peaceful co-existence of future generations in a safe, secure system of universal civilizational values.
We believe that providing consolidated support for an information space capable of facilitating the adoption of sustainably sound moral principles and the preservation of fundamental spiritual and moral values can ensure the vigilant prevention of and zero tolerance for the spread of ideas and belief systems, artificially inculcated from outside a given society, that promote and propagate the commission of illegal, anti-social, and anti-state actions, and inducements to commit such acts, as well as actions aimed at the perversion, substitution, and dismantling of spiritual and moral values that are deeply rooted in the traditions of a given society, and relevant societal guideposts and cultural and historical memory.
We understand that attempts at interfering in the internal and external policies of a given country that are aimed at perverting or replacing its fundamental values, as well as carrying out psychological and ideological subversion, are tools for destroying that country's statehood and subjugating its society to the will of an alien political power. Therefore, we believe that the first priority at the current stage of civilizational development should be given to ensuring the timely, thorough, and proper protection of national segments of the global information space.
We deem the highest form of state sovereignty to be the right of a state to self-determination, namely the right to freely choose and develop its own political, social, economic, and cultural frames of reference, while adhering to the fundamental principles of international law and respecting the cultural identities of the diverse peoples of planet Earth.
We recognize and unconditionally accept the following universal civilizational values as an inalienable part of our historical and cultural traditions and as necessary conditions for the further harmonious development of society and the state based on the principles of responsibility, justice, and mutual respect:
i. Constructive, creative labour and service to one's homeland
ii. The creation and preservation of strong, healthy families
iii. Mutual aid and mutual respect
iv. Historical memory and the continuity of generations and traditions
v. Peaceful dialogue among diverse cultures, religions, and civilizations
We recognize the information space as a critical environment for carrying out cultural and intellectual exchanges and for familiarizing and getting the maximum number of inhabitants of planet Earth involved in the task of achieving a high level of culture among all countries and peoples, as well as for fostering cooperation among compatriots living in various countries, and for preserving their cultural identity.
We recognize the right of every country to freely ensure, without violating anyone's rights or interests, its own responsible, secure, and independent development, including in the economic, cultural, and information spheres, and to strengthen its scientific, humanitarian, socio-economic, and political cooperation, while being guided by the principles of equality, mutual respect, solidarity, and the need to sustain a healthy information space.
We hereby call for ensuring the inviolability of the right of any state to self-determination and the attainment of its state interests within the respective national segments of the global information space by means of creating clearly understandable, effective tools and mechanisms for its international protection.
For the purpose of preventing the militarization and weaponization of the information space, we hereby call for ensuring the formulation of international legal norms for the regulation of international informational platforms and resources and for implementing effective mechanisms for ensuring the subsequent monitoring and control over compliance with them.
Concluded in Moscow, Russian Federation, on October ___, 2024, in confirmation of which this Declaration is hereby signed by the official representatives of civil society of the countries of the Global Majority: