The new chapter of BRICS 2024

2024 marks a new chapter in the history of BRICS. As the inaugural chair country of BRICS+, Russia is tasked with integrating new members into the organization's operations. The interaction among civil society representatives from BRICS countries will be crucial in this integration as well as in building non-governmental contacts across borders. The civil track aims to deepen cooperation among BRICS nations by fostering dialogue between civil society and the governments of member states.

The Civil BRICS Track 2024 comprises several components: establishing working groups focused on Civil BRICS agenda, organizing round tables and video conferences, participating in international events related to the BRICS agenda, hosting a philosophical essay contest titled "Vision 2050: How BRICS Will Change the World by 2050", preparing an Address to the Summit of the Future under the auspices of the UN General Assembly, formulating recommendations to the leaders of the BRICS countries on various issues related to the official BRICS agenda, and holding a BRICS Civil Forum on July 3–4, 2024.

We recognize that not only the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals is at risk, but the broader concept of sustainable development also faces a crisis as the principle of the indivisibility of the SDGs is largely neglected. We urge the civil society in the BRICS countries to speak up in support of the right of peoples to development and to prepare for a substantive discussion at the United Nations concerning the future of sustainable development amidst the crisis in international relations.